What Types of Activities Do Australian Youth Organizations Offer?

Australian youth organizations provide a range of activities for young people aged 12 to 25. These activities include training days, networking breakfasts, and international walks. Alcohol and drug-free events are also held regularly, giving teens the chance to take part in activities that can have a positive impact on their personal growth and well-being, while contributing to their community and to Australian society as a whole. The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) is an important study that began in 2004 and follows the development of Australian children. Data on young people's participation in organized sports and physical recreation come from the AusPlay survey, a nationally representative monitoring survey funded and led by the Australian Sports Commission.

Volunteers for more than one type of organization are represented in each category of organization for which they volunteered. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, more than half of Australian adults lead a sedentary lifestyle.

UN Youth Australia

is a national youth-led organization that aims to educate and empower young Australians on global issues. It is run entirely by volunteers with the goal of providing affordable, high-quality opportunities to all young Australians.

As a member of this committee, you will identify potential organizations for sponsorship and partnership agreements and will guarantee those agreements for the youth representative program. UN Youth Australia offers a unique opportunity to engage with United Nations Youth through the Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations, Lucy Stronach. Adolescents whose parents volunteered in sports and recreational organizations or in religious or church groups were more likely to volunteer compared to teens whose parents volunteered at school and in children's groups or in community or welfare organizations. Overall, these activities provide an opportunity for young Australians to become involved in their community and develop skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.